Rose for emiley written by william faulkner - Essay Example These devices include motifs, themes and symbols; for instance, the theme of tradition versus change, symbol of the hair strands and Emily’s house and motifs such as watching and dust. Themes, symbols and motifs play significance roles in enhancing the story’s plot and of characters’ traits. Themes The theme of ‘tradition versus change’ is notable throughout the story, particularly through Emily’s mysterious figure through which Faulkner demonstrates the struggles, which emerge from attempting to maintain tradition in light of sweeping change. Jefferson town is at the crossroad, accepting a modern commercial future while remaining perched in the past. This is notable in the eroded glory of the Grierson home to the cemetery where the town buried unknown Civil War (Faulkner 83). Emily is part of the tradition, steadfastly remaining unchanged over the years regardless of the countless changes occurring in her community.

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