Thing - Examples and Definition of Noun Meaning of NounA thing is a grammatical form, which is utilized to distinguish a thing, individual, thought, or spot. It started from a Latin word nomen, which implies a name. Truth be told, everything individuals talk about requirements a name, for example, individuals (man, craftsman), places (road, town), objects (pencil, container), characteristics (distress, bravery), substances (glass, copper), measures (ounce, inch), and activities (moving, swimming); and this naming word is known as a thing. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Sometimes a thing is in a material or substantial shape, for example, cake, lion, or PC; while at different occasions it is a theoretical thing, for example, satisfaction, grit, and smile.Types of NounCommon Noun – A typical thing names general individuals, thoughts, things, and spots, for example, president, instructor, and brother.Proper Noun – A formal person, place or thing names explicit individuals, thoughts, things, and spots, for example, Donald Trump, Mr. Smith, and Joe.