God sees everything Discuss the importance of vision and blindness in 'The Great Gatsby' - Essay Example
This paper will particularly discuss the importance of the concepts of vision and blindness in the novel.
The Great Gatsby presents a complex vision of the interrelation between impulses, and its final meaning resides in an understanding of the nature of that relationship. This brings us to the fact that in the novel, women are portrayed as the object of such impulses and therefore, a key to understanding such thesis.
According to Judith Fetterly (1978), the American literature in regard to the romantic nostalgia set store on the sense of wonder, which is intimately and expectedly paired with a sense of loss and that women are usually used as counters to these emotions. (p. 75) Fitzgerald’s vision of lost America is widely regarded as the same with Gatsby’s vision of Daisy.
God sees everything Discuss the importance of vision and blindness in Essay
2020. 3. 15. 14:31