Block method outline I. Introduction Hook- Air travel has become a common transportation among most of the people in this world. Background information- Approximately 1,423,500,000 people travels by airplane per year and 3,900,000 passengers travel by flight every day. What the writer intends to do- Discuss why huge number of people using air travel to travel. Body A. Paragraph 1 1. Topic sentences 1 * Many of people prefer to choose travel by cheap air travel because of it amount. * Make this world more peace and harmony Government have funds to invest into basic fields in the country * Make someone more relaxed and release heavy pressure. 2. Supporting detail * Gives a person the chance to travel to places where he would like to visit with only a minimum amount. * Promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding and it will make this world a peaceful place to living in. * Visitors from other countries will increase tax revenues especially in those tourism-focused counties and government for that particular country will have more funds to invest.

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