Case Of Drug Use/Abuse Literature Review Carter Sickels tale, The Evening hour, rotates around the pulverization of the West Virginia scene just as that of the nearby networks. The primary character in the story is twenty-multi year old Cole Freeman who functions as an assistant in a nursing home. He likewise enjoys the offer of illicit medications, which he either takes or purchases from the neighborhood old populace in the nursing home. It depicts a few parts of medication maltreatment in some random network, which remembers its circumstances and end results for the general public. The tale depicts neediness as one of the central point that drives the network to take part in tranquilize misuse. The twenty-multi year old, Cole Freeman, selects to offer illicit medications so as to battle the neediness in their family. He originates from a network which portrayed by rare wellsprings of gaining a job. The major monetary movement in the area is the mining of sulfur.

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