A College Degree Is Worth the Effort and Expense EssayIn today’s economy many people wonder if a college degree is worth the time, effort, and expense it takes to complete it. I, a twenty-seven year old who did not think it was worth it when I graduated from high school, have changed my position on the issue. I have had experience in today’s workforce and it is not easy to find a satisfying job with only a high school diploma and it is extremely difficult to find a job with decent pay and any benefits in which you have a chance of advancing in that career.     These things are essential for a productive and fulfilling life.I believe that getting a college degree is well worth the time, effort, and expenses. A report by the Pew Research Center found that college graduates make about $550,000 more than high school graduates over the course of their careers (Cass). This shows the significantly larger income opportunities of having a college degree versus only a high school diploma. Imagine the difference of making $465,000 compared to $1,015,000 over a thirty year career?

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